New Yorkers know that the state has a lot of great activities and fun to offer. From camping, to Broadway, to great beaches and hiking spots, New York has it all. So it may not come as a surprise to many that the state among one of the most fun in the United States.
The recent study, 2022’s Most Fun States in America by WalletHub, ranked New York in fourth place overall.
Keeping in mind that everyone has a different definition of “fun”, WalletHub’s panel of experts were asked to share their thoughts on what makes a state fun.
The overall ranking was comprised by how well states did in two categories “Entertainment and Recreation” and “Nightlife”. Entertainment and Recreation accounted for a total of 80 points. This category looked at certain things like number of attractions, ideal weather, restaurants, beach quality, and more. Meanwhile, “Nightlife” accounted for a total of 20 points and includes such things such as average beer & wine price, movie costs, access to bars, and casinos per capita.
New York ranked third in the “Entertainment and Recreation” category and seventh in the “Nightlife” category, according to WalletHub.
While New York did not crack the top three overall, it fared much better in specific key metrics.
New York ranked first in having the most performing-arts theatres per capita, according to the study. The state also came in second place for fitness centers per capita and third place for having the most restaurants and movie theatres.
The rest of the tri-state didn’t do too well in the overall ranking as New Jersey came in at No. 31 and Connecticut came in at No. 43. However, they did do well in key metrics. For example, New Jersey came in as the state with the fifth most fitness centers per capita. Meanwhile, Connecticut came in at No. 1 as having the most marinas per capita.
So, which states out-performed New York as being the top three most fun states? California took first place while Florida took second and Nevada third.
For the complete list and the methodology used, click here.