Rizz, jorts, mid and thirst trap — Merriam-Webster's latest definitions are Gen Z approved

Here’s the long and jort of it: If you had “bingo card” being added to the dictionary in 2023 on your bingo card, you win.

Yes, jorts and bingo card are just two of the 690 new entries to the Merriam-Webster dictionary that range from slang expressions to food terms to digital phrases. They join the likes of thirst trap (mastered by TODAY’s own Jenna Bush Hager), TTYL (aka, talk to you later) and the teenage buzzword rizz. We are NGL, (shorthand for “not gonna lie,” yet another new offering) — there are a lot of new entries.

“Signs of a healthy language include words being created, words being borrowed from other languages, and new meanings being given to existing words,” Merriam-Webster explains on its website. “Based on our most recent research, we are pleased to inform you that English is very (very!) healthy.”

Yes, there is a slew — no, a plethora — no, make that an abundance — of new words that have slithered their way into our everyday vernacular that’s now finally gained official credibility by making it into the dictionary.

While sharing all 690 entries would require us to go full beast mode (see below if that doesn’t make sense), we’ve taken the liberty of highlighting some of the most memorable ones. These words are definitely the fishizzle. And, no, that word is not in the dictionary. If you’d like to see more entries, you can check Merriam-Webster. Until then, TTYL.

rizz noun, slang : romantic appeal or charm

padawan noun, informal : a young person especially when regarded as naïve, inexperienced, etc.

bingo card noun … 2 slang : a list of possible, expected, or likely scenarios — usually used in the phrase on one’s bingo card

GOATED adjective, slang : considered to be the greatest of all time

mid adjective … 2 informal : neither very good nor very bad : so-so, meh

ngl abbreviation, informal not gonna lie; not going to lie

TTYL abbreviation, informal talk to you later

smishing noun : the practice of sending text messages to someone in order to trick the person into revealing personal or confidential information which can then be used for criminal purposes

hallucination noun … 3 : a plausible but false or misleading response generated by an artificial intelligence algorithm

UAP abbreviation or noun : unidentified aerial phenomenon (a mysterious flying object in the sky that is sometimes assumed to be a spaceship from another planet); also : unidentified anomalous phenomenon (a mysterious phenomenon, especially an unidentified aerial phenomenon, that is sometimes assumed to be a spaceship from another planet)

rewild verb 1 : to return to a more natural or wild state : to make or become natural or wild again; specifically : to increase biodiversity and restore the natural processes of an ecosystem typically by reducing or ceasing human activity and reintroducing plant and animal species 2 : to return (an animal) to the wild

crate-dig verb : to shop for rare, vintage, or obscure recordings especially by searching through crates of secondhand merchandise

jorts plural noun : shorts made of denim or jean : jean shorts

nerf verb 1 informal : to reduce the effectiveness of (something, such as a character, attribute, or weapon) in a video game; broadly : to make (something) less useful or effective 2 informal : to lightly bump (another car) in an automobile race

rage quit verb : to suddenly stop participating or engaging in (something) in a fit of anger and frustration : to quit (something) in anger

cold open noun : a scene of a film or television episode that precedes the title sequence or opening credits and that typically takes place in medias res

thirst trap noun : a photograph (such as a selfie) or video shared for the purpose of attracting attention or desire; also : someone or something that attracts attention or strong desire

’grammable adjective : suitable to be posted on the Instagram photo-sharing service : Instagrammable

doomscroll verb : to spend excessive time online scrolling (see scroll entry 2) through news or other content that makes one feel sad, anxious, angry, etc.

finsta noun, slang : a secret or incognito account on the Instagram photo-sharing service

quiet quit verb : to do the minimum amount of work required for a job : to engage in quiet quitting

chef’s kiss noun : a gesture of satisfaction or approval made by kissing the fingertips of one hand and then spreading the fingers with an outward motion — often used interjectionally

kayfabe noun 1 : the tacit agreement between professional wrestlers and their fans to pretend that overtly staged wrestling events, stories, characters, etc., are genuine; broadly : tacit agreement to behave as if something is real, sincere, or genuine when it is not 2 : the playacting involved in maintaining kayfabe

kiss-and-cry noun : an area adjacent to a skating rink where figure skaters wait for their marks immediately after performing in a competition

bracketology noun : the practice or study of predicting the outcome of elimination tournaments or competitions especially in NCAA college basketball

beast mode noun, slang : an extremely aggressive or energetic style or manner that someone (such as an athlete) adopts temporarily (as to overpower an opponent in a fight or competition)

girlboss noun : an ambitious and successful woman (especially a businesswoman or entrepreneur)

This story first appeared on TODAY.com. More from TODAY:

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