More chemical drums turn up encased in concrete under Long Island park

More chemical drums were discovered in concrete blocks found buried under ballfields at a Long Island park, remnants of when the land was used for aircraft production, authorities confirmed Wednesday.

The find, which was expected, involved concrete blocks that were initially removed from the excavation area Monday, authorities said. As with the case with the first 16 drums found, the newly discovered drums are being placed in overpack drums and will be sampled for laboratory analysis. No signs of leakage were apparent, officials said.

The other 16 drums each held 55 gallons of chemicals believed to have been left there by Northrup Grumman decades ago. Ground-penetrating radar was brought in to help search the entire 18-acre park, not just the ballfields.

Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino earlier this year said the town now believes a dumping pit for chemicals was once used at the location — which, in a somewhat ironic twist, was donated to the town by Grumman in the 1960s to serve as a park. The town now wants every inch of the park to be inspected, and if necessary, cleaned up.

DEC said Grumman will be accountable for the cleanup.

“DEC continues to oversee investigative and cleanup activities at this location to determine the full nature and extent of contamination and the presence of any additional drums buried beneath the site. The discovery and removal of the drums present no immediate threat to public health and safety at the site and DEC is working with its partners at the federal, State, and local level to ensure the protection of public health and the environment,” DEC said in a statement. “The drums removed from the site will be disposed of at an appropriately permitted facility equipped to receive the material in accordance with state laws. DEC continues to hold Northrop Grumman accountable for the cleanup of Bethpage Community Park.”

Details on the chemicals in the barrels remain unclear.

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